Monday, June 28, 2021

Welcome to my show!

Imagine a drum roll if you will be so kind.

Thank you. Some big news: I now have my own radio show!

Before we all get excited I should point out that it's on a brand-new radio station called Blaenymaes Christian Radio, and I will probably have about five listeners including me and the producer. But still, who knows, I could get spotted. Taken up by a mega radio station and made into a star. 

I can see it now ... 

Okay, back to reality. What I'm doing is recording a 12-15 minute talk, about family life, topical news, and Jesus. I send that to the producer and he adds music so it's a full half-hour show. It began last night and will be repeated on Wednesday I think. It's broadcast on the internet. I don't really understand the technicalities but you know.

A friend is already doing a show and he put me in touch with the producer, who declared I was, 'an answer to prayer.' (Not often that can be said about me.) Apparently they wanted someone to talk about family issues and they also wanted more female voices. A double answer, that's me. 

Then he basically said I could do whatever I wanted - not that they're desperate or anything!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, this sounds perfect for you! I hope your liberal views shake up some listeners. Remember us little people when you hit the big time!

Janie Junebug said...

Congratulations! How thrilling to be wanted. You will do well and become popular because you have a sense of humor and sensible views.


Kathy G said...

How wonderful! What is the name of your show?

Boud said...

Remember we knew you when!

PipeTobacco said...

Wonderful!!!! I am excited for you! I hope it does not take away time from your writing though.

It will be fun to hear about the experience of radio!


PipeTobacco said...

Oops.... “O” was meant to be “PipeTobacco “.

Marie Smith said...

Exciting. A new venture. Perfect for you!

pam nash said...

Congrats!!! I'm sure you will be a shining star!