Friday, January 29, 2021

We'd like to invite you for a

I really am being very remiss about blogging. My apologies but life seems to be busy although I'm not sure what I'm doing.

In the shower this morning I was trying to remember a word. I finally got there and when I came downstairs I said to Husband, 'If I ask you what's the word it's exposure.' He looked at me blankly.

I said, 'I'm going to need that word later and it's the sort of word I'll probably forget.'

'Why don't you write it down?' he said.

'Oh, um, yes, that would be a good alternative.'

So you see, my brain's not on top of stuff at the moment. Let's think what exciting events I need to catch you up on because you know, my life is just chockablock with excitement.

First of all I had a phone call yesterday. 'This is the surgery.' (Me, instant panic: have I had test results that are so bad they need to phone me? No, wait, I haven't had any tests. I'm fine.)

'We'd like to invite you to have a Covid vaccination.'


So I'm having it on Monday. 

If you're a regular reader you might recall that I mentioned previously that I wondered if this would happen: that I would be called earlier than others because I receive 'because you are shielding' letters from the Chief Medical Officer of Wales. We suspect that is all because of Sainsburys but that's all explained in the earlier post. Husband hasn't been called yet and I really don't fall into the categories they are vaccinating at the moment so I feel guilty.

But the surgery has my records; they should know how healthy I am; and she didn't say, 'You are being invited because you are ...' She just invited me. So it's okay that I accepted, isn't it?

Please tell me it would only have got complicated otherwise. And if I'd refused they might never have invited me again.

In other news we experimented with our pizza making yesterday. Although Husband likes my home-made pizzas he does complain about the soggy bottoms.

I recently bought holey pizza baking trays and then Husband bought me a pizza peel - flat shovel to you and me. A long discussion followed on whatsapp between Husband and the children about the best ways of cooking pizza. You wouldn't believe the technical details they got into. Anyway yesterday we decided, while walking George -yes, we have fascinating conversations - that we'd put the baking trays in the oven to heat up then we'd slip the finished pizzas onto the shovel and then onto the hot trays.

Notice that word 'slip'. That was where we fell down. It wasn't so much a slip as a squidge together. So my lovely flat large pizzas turned into thick chubby pizzas, but, the important thing: they had very crispy bottoms!

More experimentation is needed, methinks.

And I'm sure there was more stuff clogging my brain. If I remember it I'll be back.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Definitely YES -- if they invite you for a vaccine shot, TAKE IT! And crispy bottoms are always good!

Liz Hinds said...

I think so, Debra. there's nothing worse than a soggy bottom.

pam nash said...

Covid vaccine?? YES! Yay!! I like homemade pizza though I seldom think ahead enough to have the things I need to top it. Hmmm - maybe I'll stop by your house one day and try yours! No worries about unexpected drop-in though - I do live a good bit down the road and across the big water and further along the road.

Ole phat stu said...

Our Gummint in Germany has screwed up the distribution and not ordered enoufg jabs. Si it'il be May before I get mone. I am 76.

PipeTobacco said...

I would recommend that you could partially or bake the pizza crust before adding topping. We do, and the crust is much improved!!!


Anonymous said...

This has rather scuppered plans for lunch... I was going to have carrot and ginger soup but I want a pizza now.

Caree Risover said...
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Caree Risover said...

Being under 65 I was on the list of over-50’s waiting for a promised flu jab in November when our Surgery never did receive the necessary doses to deliver. Out of the blue, I received a letter from NHS/PHE in London indicating that computer records showed I hadn’t attended for the vaccination and would I please do so. At that point the surgery had no hesitation in finding me a dose. It seems that although I ceased immuno-suppression medication in February, I was still viewed as in a risk group and am now waiting to see if I shall be called up earlier for the Covid-19 vaccine. If I am, I certainly won’t be querying it.