Saturday, January 02, 2021

Quick update

 I don't know if you recall but I am on the government's list of vulnerable people. I have no idea why, unless they know something I don't.

We assume it's because we applied for priority delivery spots from Sainsburys - on the grounds that Mike is over 70 with a heart condition. Yes, I know, it still doesn't make sense that I'm the vulnerable one.

Anyway today I had another letter from the Welsh government advising me, that as I am vulnerable I should be doing a form of shielding again. Pah, ignoring that obviously. But ... the letter went on to say that as I am vulnerable I will be eligible earlier than the general public for my vaccination.

Hm, the question is: do I put them right? 

Of course I do. At least, when the call comes I will tell them. It would only confuse matters if I intervened now.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

As a cherished writer, you are a National Treasure and thus, need extra protection for the good of Britain. Surely that's what it means?

Cop Car said...

Debra--Oh, you cruel person, you. I was going to tell Liz that all of my friends are considered "at risk".

nick said...

If Northern Ireland has the same sort of table, and our population is yours divided by 1.666, then I'm roughly 297,000th in line for vaccination.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Cop Car -- I can assure you that my comment was not meant to be cruel. I think Liz knows me well enough to know that.

Liz Hinds said...

Indeed I do, Debra! I think CopCar knows too! And I take your comment as a compliment! And that of Copcar!

Not long to go then, Nick!

pam nash said...

Unless your government is vastly different, I suspect if you try to correct the vulnerability list, it will just confuse them further no matter if you do now or later.

Cop Car said...

Debra--An emoji might have clarified that my tongue was firmly in cheek. I doubt that Liz has any cruel friends, let alone that it should be you.
; )

Liz Hinds said...

My thoughts precisely, Pam!

Glad that's sorted, CopCar!

Marie Smith said...

I haven’t had much success trying to change anything the government thinks about me. I’d leave it be.

Bohemian said...

I don't feel Vulnerable either, but they tell us we are too...