Saturday, January 02, 2021

New year jibber jabber

Judging by my Christmas cards I have some unusual friends.

One encourages me to 'keep on keeping on the joy of crazy', while the other talks about 'satirising the follies of both the left and the right,' along with 'Ann Widdecombe'.

They are no reflection on me I'm sure.

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The weather forecast for today gave us full sun. It is currently raining.

Seems some things never change even with a New Year.

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Wondering what to do today. Am torn between lying in bed crying and being dynamic. I must stop reading the BBC news website; it is far too depressing.

According to a chart I saw showing the priority for vaccinations and the number of people in Wales I am roughly 825,350th in the queue.

Right, enough of this shilly-shallying. Day here I come! Dynamic will be my middle name! My life will be an exclamation mark!


nick said...

So you're 825,350th in the queue? I guess I'm probably something like 567,000th seeing as I'm a few years older. Given the snail's pace vaccination programme, we might get invited to vaccinate sometime next autumn....

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"My life will be an exclamation mark!" is going to be my new philosophy. Thanks!

pam nash said...

It's never good to read the news, in depth and daily. I look at the headlines and keep right on going. Otherwise, I'd be hiding under the covers or thinking about deserted islands in the middle of the Atlantic!

Bohemian said...

Just found your Blog via another New Blog I began to read... so glad, Pandemic Lockdown could be such a bore were it not for the Wonderful Community in The Land of Blog. And you hail from Wales, which is where my Dear Mom was from and I have her side of the Family still there... so some sweet Serendipity! Yes, our News feed here across the Pond can be depressing and disheartening too and make me waffle on whether to just be Joyful anyway or be an Emotional Hot Mess?! *LOL* You're further along in the queue than we are here in America, so damned big they think it may take a Decade to get us all Immunized with the Vaccine... at our Ages, that means we're not likely to get one before our Sell By Date has Expired??? Happy New Year!