Wednesday, November 04, 2020

My teeth foresaw this

I woke in the middle of the night and my teeth were ... weird. Not hurting but more than tingling. Wobbling in terror maybe.

I should have realised: I have prophetic teeth.

My teeth foresaw the agony of the long-time-coming-result in the US election.

In other news I have spent the best part of 48 hours trying to upload my new novel to Amazon's printing arm only for it to be rejected for 'highlighted errors'. Which would have been fine except there weren't any highlighted errors.

After much frustration and pleading, it turns out that the price set (automatically) for my book in Japan wasn't enough to cover costs. 


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Prophetic teeth? Certainly more elegant than 'feeling it in my water'.
I have a feeling this will be dragged out for a while yet... Trump may have to be dragged out bawling.

PipeTobacco said...

You may have tempormandibular joint disorder if you feel that discomfort regularly. I have TMJ disorder and wear a bite splint to reduce discomfort..... worn one for well over 40 years. It is agony without the splint while sleeping.


Marie Smith said...

Wish my teeth had warned me. I wouldn’t feel so devastated and I’m not even American.

pam nash said...

Cool - prophetic teeth - I hope they are prophesying good things.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Didn't Monty Python have an animated skit about teeth moving about? That's what your post made me think of.

LL Cool Joe said...

My teeth are so disgusted with all that's going on that one crown snapped off at the gum line a couple of days ago. It looks like I will need an implant which aren't cheap and sound painful. I blame Trump.

mrsnesbitt said...

Lockdown 2 eh Liz? I think I will return to my blog for a the duration! Hope to keep up with the gossip! Dx