Tuesday, November 03, 2020

A promise of a man

Husband phoned BT because he was having trouble with the internet. (Not me, I'm fine with the internet. Just saying.) They've sent us lots of new stuff and a promise of a man to look at the tree.

So Husband threw me off the computer after lunch so he could set up said new stuff. Now I have been almost permanently glued to the computer for the last few weeks learning and struggling with book production, marketing and promotion. So coming off it was a shock to the system. 

But it proved to be usefully spent time. I cleared out a cupboard! Making room for my new food processor that until then had been spread in bits all over the work surface. And I got rid of several bits and pieces although I did have the occasional Blue Peter moment and think, 'That might come in handy one day. I'd better keep it.' Successful on the whole though. 

I also sharpened a load of pencils and took some deep breaths ready to tackle my technical problems again. 

And I keep checking twitter hoping that there will be some positive US election news. Must stay off for rest of day at least.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

We're ordering a pizza and settling down to watch election news coverage tonight! Let's hope for the best!

Polly said...

I've just checked the BBC website, nothing yet. I've been absent for a while, but caught up. I like your publishing company logo.

Marie Smith said...

The polls on the US east coast just closed as I type. Here goes...

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

No, I went to bed since there was a storm outside. This is all going to take days...