Saturday, November 07, 2020

Deaf and dopey

After a few weeks of frantic enthusiasm and energy I've slumped.

I'm not sure if it's lockdown, the strangely compelling American election, or just weariness, but I must have stared out of the window for ages this morning just trying to decide what to do.

We went for a walk and that helped.

Holly Dog is staying with us at the moment as work is being done on her home. She's fifteen and quite deaf so when she started wandering in the wrong direction I had to do my impersonation of an out-of-condition runner and go after her. She'd spotted some young girls and must have mistaken them for hers.

Waiting for a treat near the end of their walk

Yesterday was beautiful but very windy as we found out when we went for a scoot/bike ride along the promenade. We made it to Mumbles, which is about ... oh, only 2.5 miles but it seemed further. I had a little help from my electric motor but mostly I used foot power. I realised that scooting is like doing hundreds of consecutive shallow squats.

As you can see I was wearing my shorts. Our walk in the afternoon felt a lot colder around my legs so today I gave up: I put on jeans for the first time this autumn.

Trying to shout loud enough for Holly to hear reminded me of the book I've just read. In it the heroine goes on a holistic, back to nature retreat, and one of the exercises they are asked to do is scream at the top of their voices. I'm not entirely sure I could do that. I very rarely shout at all and to my put my whole self into it sounds as if it might be beyond me. Maybe it would do me good. 

Oh dear, Husband has just summoned me: Charlie Cat is also staying and appears to want something. Husband dislikes cats intensely so she is strictly my job. I'd better go and see her. (She stays upstairs while the dogs stay downstairs.)

Just remembered, before I go, I spotted this rather pretty little fungus. It has a brown lacy frill on its umbrella.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like you need some time off for pampering!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Yes, a bubble bath and a good film perhaps.

Marie Smith said...

Getting outdoors always helps me. I thrive on a picnic by the water especially.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. Starting to pick up a bit I think.