Saturday, October 10, 2020

The boxer

According to reports, it seems that a number of people who've been doing the careers assessment test have got Boxer as a suggested option. This number includes a friend of mine, a rather highly qualified nuclear science person. Sonata, who brought the article in the Guardian to my attention, suggests that it could be a reflection of our need, after months of lockdown to hit out.

I can empathise with that. When I have to do boxing in my various exercise routines I visualise the face I'm punching with force. The face varies depending on which idiot has most recently been in the news but Boris Johnson is a particular favourite.

Speaking of exercise I made my first visit to the University gym yesterday. All very well-spaced and air, with individuals responsible for disinfecting the equipment before and after use. Not a hardship. Certainly not as big a hardship as doing the exercise.

Fifteen minutes on a bike, ten on cross trainer (very hard), thirteen on the rowing machine (because Husband wanted to move into the other gym at this point), and fifteen on the treadmill. All on the lowest possible setting. The bike and cross trainer were hardest and my heart rate went up to 165 at one point. Mostly it was a lot lower than that though. So rather pleased with myself and will go again. (Note to self: check what heart rate is recommended during exercise.)

Quite pleased with myself today as well. Flu jab first followed by a nice walk with George and Husband. I came back and got immersed in my new website creation again. I was rather more successful this time. I think I'm getting it. (Some of it. Maybe.)


Polly said...

I played that album over and over until it wore out! Walking is my only form of exercise nowadays, if I had a gym close to me I would go.

Lisa said...

Like Polly, I played that album over and over. Maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. has a chart of maximum and target rates.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That career assessment test seems to think (quite unjustifiably) that professional sports is an easy field to break into. What the hell? Only a small percentage of athletes ever get paid to play any sport professionally.

I got my flu shot today too!

pam nash said...

Yay! A sing-a-long. Now I'll have to play the album I have.

Marie Smith said...

We haven’t had the flu shot yet. This week I imagine.

Geo. said...

Powerful post. Appreciate clip too. 1st heard it on a jukebox, '69 or '70 in a coffee shop in Rio Nido, late at night. Companions had gone to a bar next door but I was driver --espresso and apple pie for me. Tumultuous time --RFK, MLK, undeclared and escalating war --too many destructive changes. So, what struck me, beyond technical perfection of reverberating bass and beautiful vocals, were the lines "...after changes we are more or less the same.", and of course," a clearing stands a boxer..." If we want a clearing, a respite, we must gain it on our own, protect it with our strength and skill...and remain.