That's why I failed miserably with my body-board. It's not that I have the lost the knack.
Also polystyrene boards aren't as good as the thin plywood boards we had when I was a child.Plenty of excuses but it was fun anyway.
I went at lunchtime on Friday with Daughter to Pobbles.
The waves weren't as big as they'd been earlier in the week but I wanted to use my board at least once this year.
Whereas the wind had been offshore at Pobbles it was blowing a cold breeze and hazy clouds were creeping in front of the sun by the time we got to the beach. It was only my determination to say I'd done it that me go in the sea at all.
Any excuse to dress up.
Following it up with fish and chips at the pier rounded off the afternoon well.
After all that I was very tired when I went to bed so can't understand why I seemed to spend a lot of the night tossing and turning. I was panicking about a maths exam I hadn't prepared for - nor had I done any proper maths for years and couldn't remember how to do it - and then couldn't find a seat in the exam hall. When my mind wasn't maths-orientated it was conjuring up a cunning plan for a treasure hunt for the 'probably last barbecue of the summer' party we'd planned for yesterday.
Four of the grandchildren stared at me bemused and GrandDaughter1 looked at me, with a raised eyebrow, sighed and said, 'Granny, why are you dressed as a pirate?' But she decided she wasn't too old to partake of the golden (chocolate) coins in the treasure chest when they found it.
GrandDaughter3 was more interested in the jewels though! (Mainly because we didn't let her see the chocolate.)
What fun. We do scavenger hunts with the kids too but never a treasure hunt. Great idea.
If you wait long enough, Liz, your "hazy clouds" may become smoky clouds if the air we've been having for the past several days make it to your area. We are suffering through smoky haze from the California/Oregon fires (they tell us that we're out of the range of the smoke from Washington, but who knows?)
Sounds like you're having a lot of fun. Rock on!
In this one, Marie, my parrot and torn up my treasure map and hidden the parts around the 'island'/garden. So first they had to find the pieces and then put it together and then look for the treasure!
I hope not, CopCar, it sounds horrendous. Hope it doesn't get any thicker for you.
Sounds like a fun time! Was the pirate idea just for the get-together or did it have anything to do with the fact that September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day? LOL. You make an excellent pirate, great costume. And your granddaughter is freaking adorable.
No, I didn't know it was pirate day! It was just my silly idea.
I see someone else already told you that yesterday was "Talk Like a Pirate Day" -- you just INSTINCTIVELY knew that, didn't you, matey? Arrrrr.
I must have known, Debra! It must be in my genes. Some of the most famous pirates were Welsh.
Wonderful day for everyone! I can see, "My granny's a pirate" being a great ice breaker in years to come.
What a wonderful day you had. And, you make a fine pirate, me hearty!
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