Monday, July 06, 2020

It's no wonder I get confused

Today I have written blog posts as me, as a writer, and as Alison. I've also done FaceBook posts from each personna.

One thing all these characters have in common: they all need chocolate right now.

* * * * * 
Oh yes, forgot to say I had an email from the Chairman of the Conservative Party following my email about Dominic Cummings several weeks ago. Usual blah blah blah excuses.

Wonder if I am on their list of suspicious persons now. Maybe MI5 will be reading my blog posts. That should keep them busy/confused.

* * * * * 
There is an outbreak of bubonic plague in Mongolia and Kanye West is running for president. It's very hard these days to work out what is fake news.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think all your hard work today DEFINITELY calls for a good dose of chocolate!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I found it odd enough when I discovered that Boris Johnson really was an M.P. Now I find the whole thing even odder.

pam nash said...

Yep - definitely a chocolate day!