Monday, July 06, 2020

George is very brave

On the course of our walk today Husband managed to compare to me to both a pot-bellied pig and a smelly old woman. He has a lot of making-up to do.

Prior to the walk I took George to the vet's for his injections. I had to leave him at the door and make him go in on his own with the vet! He was a very brave boy and I'm sure they gave him treats.

Not only were they pumping stuff into him but they also drew some out. He has a little warty thing that she thinks is just a 'warty thing', but she took some fluid from it anyway. We are to keep an eye on it and if it changes she will send the sample off for analysis.

Apart from that he is fine apart from the fact his teeth are getting a bit old. 'Is he eating alright?' she asked. Silly question. He has put on weight, a fact that led to Husband's pot-belly comment to us both. 

Which leads us back to the beginning and a good place to stop.


PipeTobacco said...

I hope George gets a treat and a day to relax after his doctor ordeal! :)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good doggy!

Hena Tayeb said...

Good to hear George is doing alright.. very brave of him indeed.
haha.. silly men and boys.. my little guy has the oddest compliments for me..

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

You're much nicer than me. I would have been tempted to kneecap him. And no, I don't mean George.

pam nash said...

Ohhh - both of those comparisons are bad - is Husband still up and walking around???

nick said...

Goodness, if I referred to Jenny as "a pot-bellied pig and a smelly old woman", she wouldn't speak to me for a week.