Sunday, July 05, 2020

The birth of a dragon

While the church service was being broadcast we were walking with Younger Son and family.

We must have had a lot of rain as the river was running fast and furious. This is the river Tawe at Pontardawe. Further on it joins the sea at Abertawe (Swansea).

This dragonfly was so motionless we thought it was fake to begin with! 

Then Nuora noticed the cocoon just behind it. It looks as if it has just emerged and is taking a few moments to work out what's going on. Such a drastic change must be quite confusing.
For your information, it's a golden-ringed dragonfly (I'm told).

I was glad I'd worn my wellies. It was very muddy!

It seems that dragonflies don't have a cocoon but emerge from the water and from their exoskeleton. It can take hours or even days for their wings to dry out. (Thanks to YS for this information.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love dragonflies. They are magnificent creatures.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Dragonflies need to dry their wings after leaving their cocoon, afaik.

Marie Smith said...

Great family photo! The water sounds so powerful! Exploring nature with children is such fun for everyone!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

What a lovely day! There's nothing like a good squelch to cheer everyone up.

Polly said...

That's a lovely photo. Great capture of the dragonfly.

pam nash said...

I love dragonflies - they are beautiful and unique!