Thursday, February 27, 2020


Anyone would think I never use any veg!
(I use loads really!)

And because it's become something of a rarity in these last weeks, here's a photo of George and the washing enjoying some sunshine.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's kind of obscene looking, LOL!

Anonymous said...

I like the colorful shirts, Liz.
Cop Car

Polly said...

mmm that mould is impressive, it could be growing a cure for all the world's ills!! How lovely to see washing drying outside.

Marie Smith said...

I try to capture sunshine too.

Liz Hinds said...

I was hoping no-one would notice that, Debra!

Mostly Husband's, copCar.

It makes the washing smell so much fresher, Polly. But it's the first time it's been out for ages.

Your photos are always beautiful, Marie, even under grey skies.