Monday, December 02, 2019

The Birthday Boy

As I said, Husband was in the gym for an hour today with the big, strong captain of the Welsh rugby team. Not bad going for a seventy-year-old. (Husband not Alun Wyn.)

Yes, it was Husband's birthday yesterday. He celebrated with a meal out with me at Slice on Friday, and a tiered birthday party yesterday.

Party number one: lunch with Daughter and family
Party number two: tea with Younger Son and family.

They were keeping apart because of hand, foot and mouth on one side, and tonsillitis on the other. If I escape illness free after having children climb on me all weekend it will be a surprise.

I'm off to Slimming World soon so I'll write later about the splendid meal we had at Slice. In the meantime here's the birthday boy with his cheesecake.

And even though Husband hates cats here's a photo of the kitties who reside with Younger Son and family. Brother (Barnacle) and sister (Stella) love cwtching together.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Birthday to your husband! Multiple celebratory meals, cheesecake, and now hanging out with sports bigwigs! Pretty sweet!

Marie Smith said...

Our grandkids are infectious now and we’ve spent time with them over the last few days. Oh well. A small price to pay for the joy of grandchildren. Happy birthday to you husband!