Monday, December 16, 2019

On a lighter note

After discovering Elf drinking GrandDad's wine, GrandSon4 sat him on the Naughty Step and told him 'to think about what you've done.'
And while collecting a Christmas tree I couldn't resist the opportunity to be an elf myself.
It was a lot easier to get in than out.

The Christmas farm is also home to Santa's reindeer and some sheep.

However, there is now a fast food stall in what was the pig pen. I didn't like to ask what had happened to the pigs ...

Speaking of which I forgot to tell you I received my Half Stone certificate in Slimming World last week. It's only taken me seven weeks to lose seven pounds, unlike some of the slimmers who can lose that in one week. (I tell myself they have more to lose.)


Marie Smith said...

Well done! Slow and steady!

Ole Phat Stu said...

"It was a lot easier to get in than out."
That's what SHE said ;-)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I must say that green outfit doesn't make you look as though you've lost quite that much weight, if you don't mind me saying….

( and I hope elf saw the error of his ways. )

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That fast food stall doesn't serve pork, does it? P.S. congrats on the half-stone victory!

LL Cool Joe said...

It took me a year to lose 8 pounds, and a month to put on 6. Sigh.