Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Uffizi sparrow

A number of them enjoyed the crumbs - not many after I'd licked the plate - left over from our sort of custard tart thing.

And on the topic of animals it was interesting to read that a dog was not considered suitable material for a scared painting. Or a sacred one. 
They were, however, regarded as a sign of marital fidelity if included in a secular painting. (I thought I had an example but it appears not.)

And I can only imagine the size of the spiders that made these webs on Isola Povlese. Many of the trees were coated in this fine silver film.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I wonder how they regarded cats in sacred paintings? Probably not very well. I don't think I've ever seen a cat hanging out in a painting with Jesus or the BVM.

Liz Hinds said...

I do have a photo of a painting of a scullery maid with a cat lying in front of the fire but, no, now you come to mention it, cats didn't feature much. Or bees.