Sunday, September 22, 2019

Italian snippets

Every now and then I thought of something to write on my blog. Little snippets. So I made a list on an old receipt and you, lucky people, can now benefit from it.

To get to Florence we travelled upstairs on a double decker train. I've never seen one before!

On the train apropos of nothing Husband said, 'How do you spell algae?'
'Thank you.'

It is incredibly painful having to walk past used and new bookshops. Just because it's pointless to go in and browse doesn't make it any easier.

In the cafe at the Uffizi I noticed this girl. A film star in the making?

I noticed - again - that I was the one who would always give way when walking through a crowd. I determined I wouldn't and nearly collided with a young girl as a result. We played chicken and she swerved at the last minute. Honestly, I am old; young people should give way to me.

The second campsite was the same age as me but had worn better.

You could have played Join the Dots on my legs with the number of bites I acquired.

Husband commented and I agreed that on coming into Italy there should be a sign saying, 'All our roads - except toll - are bendy and bumpy as well as prone to ice and leaping deer.' It would save no end of metal signage all over the country. 

And speaking of leaping deer I remarked to Husband that I wondered if anyone had ever seen a deer on any of the motorways. I had no sooner said that than we saw one: dead on the kerb. I will take those signs seriously in future.

We were in chianti country but as I don't drink and have never seen the film that was irrelevant to me. Apart from the very pretty scenery.


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I have travelled on quite a few double decker trains. AmazinG with lots of space. Much better than ours. I used them in France and Italy. I love to browse in bookshops, not pointless to me. I was in Italy. The roads we used weren't like yours. Yep. The signs are there for a reason. Which film haven't you seen??? I love vino.

Liz Hinds said...

Silence of the Lambs, Anne.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lovely and entertaining little snippets! My Rare One and I have had lunch at the Uffizi cafe! Seeing all the renaissance art at the Uffizi was a dream come true for me. One of the best days of my life!

Liz Hinds said...

It is an incredible place, Debra.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

We have double-decker trains on the main lines. Travelling downstairs gives you a better view of peoples footwear as the train goes through a station.