Monday, May 27, 2019

Disappearing bees? Not in our back yard

There may be a worldwide problem with numbers of bees decreasing but we now have a second nest of bumble bees in our garden.

This time it's in the corner of the kitchen roof gutter. Husband said we had a wasps' nest there previously so maybe the bees viewed it as a ready-made home. 

Husband also said that the bees buzzing around are all males waiting for the queen to emerge. And the good - most important - part is that they don't sting. So they can stay. As long as they don't keep sitting on the floor where little bare-footed grandchildren can walk on them and then get hysterical because they think they've killed a bee. 

I rescued one on Saturday and put it on a ledge. GrandDaughter1 made me move it again because she saw a spider eyeing it up. 'Hurry, Granny, hurry!'


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Perhaps they are all gathering for a big Bee Convention in your yard.

vivien y said...

Such a grand daughterly thing to say!

Liz Hinds said...

AS long as they don't bother me I don't mind, Debra.

We are at their command, Vivien