Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The glasses dilemma

'You're so vain you probably think this song is about you, don't you?' Lyrics from the 1972 Carly Simon song, allegedly about ex-lover, Warren Beatty. That line has always puzzled me. The song is about him so that can't be a reasonable accusation, can it?

Anyway I digress. Vanity is what Husband accuses me of when I don't wear my glasses. I have tried to explain to him that if I wear my close glasses I can't see properly to walk around but he refuses to listen. (Actually he suggests I should get varifocals but that's another story.)

The real problem arises when I lead bible study. I need glasses to read my notes but I have to take them off to look at everyone in the room. On off up down, it's a constant shuffle and one I get around by printing my notes out in ever increasing font sizes. (I'm currently on size 20.)

Which makes me feel guilty about the trees.

Again Husband says, why don't you read it off your tablet instead? To which I reply because it goes black if I ignore for a few minutes and then I have to go through the wake-up procedure again. Or keep my finger on it moving it back and for, trying to convince it it should stay awake. I have enough problems with the audience.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Don't worry about the trees. Print it out and then recycle the paper!

Liz Hinds said...

It's gone up to 22 now as I remembered the poor lighting!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

My laptop goes dark, too, which makes making a coffee while browsing a mad scramble. Still, it's one way of keeping fit...

Liz Hinds said...

That's one way of thinking of it, Sonata.

miruspeg said...

Hi Liz I read a comment on my blog many years ago and thought it was about time I visited your blog. I'm enjoying reading you writing style and your humour. Regarding your laptop turning black I am sure you can change this in settings to never turn off.
Cheers from Peggy in Sydney Australia

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Peggy, and welcome!