It's amazing the things you learn when you're hanging around with a bag of parsnips reading a noticeboard.
I was waiting for Husband to pick me up after my hair cut. ('Have you had any cut off?' 'Yes.' 'Oh.')
Now it it just me? Or does anyone else struggle to say anything other than, 'Yes, that's lovely,' when the hairdresser holds up the mirror so you can see the back of your head? Even when what you really want to say is, 'Could you take a bit more off there and there, please?'
I've been going to this hairdresser for years and he's lovely but I still can't say anything. And, to be fair, at the start today I did say, 'I quite like it this length so if you can just cut a bit off here and there.' I always think he's the expert and he must know best. And it was mostly for the colour I went. (See yesterday's post about GrandSon's comment.)

Okay, let's admit it: I just want to be Audrey Hepburn.
Or Audrey Tautou. Or anyone called Audrey.
They Audreys look amazing with short cuts! It did is once. Strangely really short hair is more work than longer hair! Waking up in the morning it would be sticking straight up.
Yes, Miss val, I imagine mine would be doing its own thing very easily. At early stages of my married life I had a short curly perm. oh my gosh, it was hideous. But I did it more than once.
I have learned the hard way to never, ever leave hairdressers to their own devices. My gawd, the hideous cuts they've given me over the years and then tried to mask with hair products and blowdrying! So now when I sit down in that chair, I am one bossy bitch. I point out every trouble spot on my head and tell them what to do about it. At the end of the cut, I doublecheck those spots and have them do further cutting if needed. And no more hair products or blowdrying to disguise the evidence! With what I'm paying for a cut, I want exactly what I want!
I get up from the hairdresser's chair every time wishing I'd brought a disguise, so that I could get back home unrecognised. And every time I give her a tip .....?
I'm definitely more like Sonata than Debra!
Ah! Some of us have only ourselves to blame. Usually, I cut my own hair, and have done so for at least 50 years. It aggravates me when I take the time to go have a professional cut it only to have to wait for it to grow out. Ach! Unlike Miss Val, during the 20+ years of wearing my hair long, I found it much work. It did best if washed every 2 or 3 days, at which time it took 15 minutes to put it on fat rollers (to "straighten" it), and 90 minutes under a dryer bonnet to dry (during which time I could, thankfully, sleep!) With short hair, it gets washed each morning in the shower, it gets a dab of mousse and a brushing, and I'm ready to go - wet or dry.
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