Thursday, March 14, 2019

Why I'm going to the hairdressers today

Lumme, life is busy.

Had a lovely weekend in Surrey with Elder Son and family. The main purpose for our visit - apart from seeing the grands - was to view a play Daughter-in-law was in. Although she'd studied drama and English at university I didn't know she had any acting interest or ability. Turns out she has!

She joined the company of Teddington Theatre Club for their production of Lilies on the Land, based on the recollections of women in the Land Army during the second world war.

That's D-i-L on the right (Official photo)
Between them the four woman cast played twenty-six different characters, no mean feat in itself. The four main characters to whom the story kept returning came from very different walks of life - Daughter-in-law was the 'posh Southerner' - but all experienced the same hardships and joys as they learned what working on the land entailed. 

It was a super play encompassing both funny and very sad moments, and Daughter-in-law was excellent. They all were. I very much enjoyed it.

Since then ... hm. Oh, yes, preparing and then leading bible study in Zac's on Tuesday,  and popping over to see GrandSon4 as he started nursery school this week. Aaahhh! First two days went okay but think he's had enough now. 
Peanuts school cartoon

While in Surrey, when GrandSon1 was climbing over me he looked at my head. 'Why is your hair grey in the middle?'

So today I'm going to the hairdressers.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice to hear that your D-i-L is treading the boards!

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, she was great and she mostly enjoyed it. Might need a rest before doing it again though.

Miss Val's Creations said...

This play must have been amazing with the ladies playing so many characters! I stopped coloring my hair a few years ago so I am totally natural/partially gray now. The roots became to stubborn to keep up with!

Liz Hinds said...

It was really good, Miss Val. I suppose at some point hair dyeing will become too much trouble but for now I'll put it off.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Lovely to be able to keep up with them all. The play sounded marvellous.
I never started dyeing my hair since I knew just how much work was involved and just how lazy I am. So I've been white haired since my early fifties.

Liz Hinds said...

White is preferable to dirty grey I think, Sonata. If I could go straight there I might consider it. But probably not. As Husband says - although for other reasons - I'm too vain.

Hayley Snook said...

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