It appears that just ignoring messages from your service provider that you are running short of data isn't the best way forward.
I have now been charged an extra £23 on my regular phone bill (£7.50). Which is odd as I rarely use my phone. I think.
Husband made me check the bill so we could work out what has caused it. Turns out to be something they call Mobile Internet Browsing, which I don't do on my phone. Not very often anyway.
It also seems that at about 6.00 am on a number of occasions the phone has done something itself. I was going to blame George for playing on it while I'm asleep but he doesn't wake up at 6.00 either. We're not stupid.
All this new-fangled technology is beyond me.
Has someone hacked your phone perhaps? Do you need a password to protect access to and use of your cellphone data? Your service provider should be able to advise you.
I don't think so, Debra. But Husband is still investigating.
A sudden leap of £23 on your phone bill is plain suspicious. I would query it with the phone company. Either someone has been hacking your account or it's a technical glitch that needs to be corrected.
Wow on two counts: 1) that your "normal" billing is so low and 2) that the "extra" billing is so high! The last I checked (a few years ago when I was making greater use of my phone) my "normal" billing was equivalent to £11.5 and I was using 11 minutes per month. Hunky Husband makes up for it, though, as he is addicted to his phone. Since our billing is a joint billing, he uses my time/bandwidth.
Cop Car
I have mine usually in Flight Mode, so no calls in or out, but with WLAN
enabled so I can get messaged and have web access. Keeps the bills down.
If I need to make a call without WLAN , I just turn Flight Mode temporarily off again.
GPS is turned off.
No blogging since a week now? Are we to assume the new computer doesn't work?
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