Friday, February 22, 2019

I went back to Boxercise

Remember I said last week that he made us jog from one side of the gym to the other? Last night the teacher made us sprint the length of the gym i.e. not the width.

Apparently last week's teacher was a stand-in. I don't know if the regular teacher therefore felt he had something to prove but it was a hard session. I know I said last week it was hard but this week it was REALLY hard.

'Do sixty punches then bear crawl press-up half the length of the gym before sprinting the rest of the way. Then repeat until time's up.' Allegedly it was for three minutes but I swear his timer was going slow.

'Burpee but drop your chest onto the floor each time.' Normally I don't have a problem with my chest hitting the floor but this was a whole different level.

And to help you understand just how bad it was here's a demo of a bear crawl press up as done properly.


Anonymous said...

How impressive that you are going through all of this, Liz. Wow!
Cop Car

Liz Hinds said...

Or just stupid, CopCar!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Why on earth would anyone, least of all a bear, want to do this?
However, I must congratulate you for persevering!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I wouldn't last 60 seconds in that class! Okay, that's an exaggeration. Not 30 seconds!