Monday, July 05, 2010

No calories

I just put together this birthday cake.

I am absolutely convinced that there are no calories in the scrapings of the mixing or cream bowls.


Katney said...

And the few that there are will walk off nicely.

Liz, I have responded to your e-mail. Look for me in your spam, I guess, and if you don't find me somewhere, let me know.

Furtheron said...

clearly none

mrsnesbitt said...

MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! With a cup of tea - how so lovely!

Berni said...

That is exactly like the cakes my Welsh grandmother used to make. Looks wonderful

Katney said...

Well, Liz, I've tried again from my yahoo mail. Watch for this one from loduscajane.

NitWit1 said...

I agree_ after all where is the pleasure in the baking, if is not in the scraping?

I consumed my considerable weight in scraping the bowls of cakes, icings, cornbread, etc., etc.

Rose said...

I've always believed in this theory, too:)

CherryPie said...

Oh Liz I am on a diet!!! the calories seem to have oozed my way :-O

Welshcakes Limoncello said...
