Despite bad press reviews, I loved Pirates III. I mean, who couldn't love a film that contained Cap'n Jack Sparrow? Just the way he runs or the faces he makes. Great fun. It is very long though; it even has a 15 minute intermission, although that's probably so the cinema gets to sell more of its ridiculously expensive goodies. I didn't really understand most of the first half but I did get what it was about in the second half. But I didn't expect that ending! Now this must be an excuse to have a photo of Johnny Depp on my blog. I think I might steal the one from Serena's.
This is from a cartoon creator site where you add your own caption to a picture of your choice.
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Is anyone else getting a problem with a little box popping up and asking about ActiveX? Is it a blogspot problem?
Too good an idea not to steal it.
I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Good idea that cartoon one. I can't see anything in J Depp, myself, though. Must be old age.
Max Factor. LOL. (Haven't seen the movie yet, but looking forward to it.)
Liz, I'm getting a little ActiveX box popping up, but only when I visit your blog.
I get that too, Elsie. Husband installed a Java update this weekend and it seems to be related to that. Apparently it is a known problem - but it only seems to affect me! there is a temporary patch I can download I think, so I'll do that. Every time I open my blog or return to it, I wait, cringing, for the bleep-beep! It's not doing my nerves any good.
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