Big big sigh ...
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I wonder if another shower would help. I took a new shower gel from the cupboard this morning; it was called Comforting Shower Cream. I thought it would be the soapy equivalent of 'There, there, never mind, it'll all be better soon,' but it just smelled of vanilla, which made me think of ice cream cornets. Ice cream is very nice but comforting?
If I'm to be comforted by a smell it should be chocolate or the scent of a thick meaty stew waiting for me after a long, wet, cold, miserable day.
What comforts you?
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Husband saved another life today. That of a toad caught in the pool filter. Husband said the toad didn't look very well; I asked if he gave it the kiss of life. 'No, but I gave it a shower.'
It must have helped as Toady is still alive. He's still sitting, recuperating, under the trowel, where Husband left him. I asked how he knew it was a toad not a frog. 'Is it because he's wartier?'
'That and the fact that he walks rather than jumps; that's the big clue.'
I should have paid more attention to my I Spy book of nature.

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We're going to see Pirates of the Caribbean tonight! I'm so excited!
I got some free shower cream of some sort with an online order and it too is vanilla scented. Must be the new thing. I actually like the vanilla and can't quite imagine chocolate in the shower. What comforts me? A nice hot cup of tea.
I'm glad your husband saved the toad. I just saved, of all things, an inch-worm, today. We are on vacation and in a Holiday Inn, and this morning when hubby took the dog for her morning walk, somehow they acquired one of those little green inch-worms that look as if they're measuring you for a suit. So I took the worm and brought it back outside to return it whence it came. Only true animal lovers save inchworms I'm sure!
Hmm I should have paid attention as well, who knew that toads walked...
I bet you hate it. Pirates, I mean.
I love the scent of vanilla and often burn aromatic oils of either musk or vanilla.
Mr. Liz is becoming a real-life animal warrior! ;)
Never mind, Liz. Here's something to take your mind off it ... don't forget to get those nominations in for the Blogpower Awards - vote early and vote often!
Comfort -- if it's a smell, it's turkey roasting in the oven. But nothing comforts me more than having husband's arms wrapped around me (children's kisses running a close second).
Husband tried to save the life of a mole who wandered into our pool yesterday, but it was too late. At least the mole was sort of cute. That toad sure isn't, but I'm glad he's alive.
Did you enjoy Pirates?
We used to put a piece of wood to rest from the night-time cover that rested on the water to the side so that hedgehogs who wandered in were able to get out again. I thik they've learned now as we don't have the problem with them.
I loved Pirates!
What comforts me? Mashed potato, long baths and Simone.
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