Monday, March 17, 2025

Two tiny bananas

Me: "I dreamed that I'd written a play and we were having a party and everyone had a role to play and had to learn their parts. But I couldn't remember mine; I couldn't even remember the plot"
Husband: "I dreamed I was leading a drama class because the teacher had gone away to write a play."
Me: "He probably came into my dream to help me."
Husband: "But then I looked down and a bubble had appeared out of my chest scar, and inside were two tiny bananas."
Me: "You win!"

* * * * *

We've just been for a little walk in Mumbles. We had to go to the building society so combined that with a short stroll. It would have been along the sea front but there was a very cold wind coming at us whichever direction we walked.

And I'm very proud of myself as I got a beef and beer stew going in the slow cooker before we went. I'm not usually organised enough for that.

* * * * *

Only one piece missing this time.

However they did include a spare piece, which was kind - if pointless - of them.


Marie Smith said...

Loved that dream conversation, Liz! Hubby won for sure!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, bubble bananas for the win!

Anvilcloud said...

I dreamt that I was with Elon the Muskie. He was very fit and strong. I know my decrepit body couldn’t complete unless I got in a sneaky and lucky punch. I awoke before it came to blows.

jabblog said...

Dear me, such vivid dreams, but bananas growing from the chest?

Boud said...

I guess open heart surgery messes with your subconscious a bit. Interesting battle of the dreams

Janie Junebug said...

Bananas from the chest following surgery -- we must ask Dr. Freud about that. I like the doggy in the puzzle. Is he blogging?
