This is more significant than it sounds as lawn mowing is Husband's domain. True, he had to show me how to plug it in but it was a weird one.
Two things have come from this. Firstly I would never attain bowling green mower standard. Husband said, "Go back and forth in straight lines." Didn't take me long to get bored - I have a very low boredom threshold - and go this way and that instead.
Husband also said, "The trampoline is heavy. If you can't move it we'll ask one of the boys to come and do it at the weekend." Pah! Easy peasy! They don't call me Granny Strong for nothing. Actually nobody calls me Granny Strong but maybe they should.
That's our biggest bit of lawn. We have seven other little bits. Some may get forgotten for now, but having practised on the back I'm ready to move to the front!
* * * * *
Husband had his stitches out yesterday. There were only two. The big cuts must have been magicked together. The nurse said his wounds were healing beautifully. So all good.
My young 'grandson' loved his cake but tells me he's changed his mind. Now he wants a Porsche Boxster from between 2008 and 2013. And when he's a rich and successful lawyer he will have a Mercedes S class as his family car. Or was it C class? One of them anyway.
I also popped into Zac's for an hour to wash dishes as they were desperate. Big changes coming soon, including building work and how we operate, so it's going to be an exciting time.
Seven bits of lawn?? This sounds pretty intricate.
Don't do TOO GOOD a job moving the lawn or Husband will not want his old task back again!
When I was a kid, my dad didn’t like the haphazard way that I mowed. My mother shushed him. I didn’t know this at the time. Mom told me much later in life. I guess my dad had been trained by his dad who worked on estates, both in England and Canada.
All anyone ever had to do was tell me that I couldn't move something on my own. That was enough to give me the strength of me x 10
Your new job is conquered by the sound of it.
I'm looking forward to reading about Zac's. Stitches out! Woo-hoo! I don't mow in straight lines. I prefer to zig-zag in case the Germans have sent their submarines to search for me.
Yes, we'd definitely get on well.
Getting there!
Haphazard may be a better description, Boud.
Good thinking, Debra.
I don't know how they do it!
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