Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Get a grip

Tomorrow is the birthday of the young boy in whose welfare I am invested so I've made him a cake. He said he wants a Porsche 911 when he's old enough. I fear this is the closest he's going to get!

He was very specific. He wanted a silver 2006 Porsche 911.

* * * * *

Really must get a grip tomorrow. Sitting around doing very little isn't good for me. If the weather is nice again I'll try and do some gardening soon.

Oh, yes, I finally got the letter from the doctor to send to the insurance company to try and get a refund for my theatre tickets. We'll see where that gets us.


Abby said...

Great job on the Porsche cake!

Anvilcloud said...

That's pretty good.

Kathy G said...

That's a professional-looking cake.