Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The one where a misplaced apostrophe saves me stress

I have fifteen-year-old GrandDaughter1 staying with me this week so we're having fun.

Yesterday we took Louie for a lovely walk then watched Sex and the City. Most of it anyway. We had our hands over our eyes for several big chunks. Then we ordered Domino's for dinner. It's just like being on holiday. 

Meanwhile Husband's op, which was pencilled in for tomorrow, has been postponed until Friday. The ward is still in lockdown and I'm unable to visit but I'm just thinking I may take up some clean socks as well as another book and a new puzzle book as he's just about finished everything. I assume I will be able to send things in to him even if I can't go in.


I went. Husband came to the ward door but I had to leave a big space between us, and couldn't give him a kiss or hug but, at least, I saw him. He's okay. His swollen face isn't so and it's turned a nice yellow shade now.

I had walked almost all the way back to the hospital entrance when I stopped to take a photo of a misplaced apostrophe. That was when I realised I'd left my phone in the bag I'd given Husband, so it was all the way back to his ward to get it.

It's not often I'll be grateful for a misplaced apostrophe - or four as each sign was the same - but if I'd gone home without my phone it would have been a bother.


Boud said...

I'm glad the surgery is finally going to happen and that meanwhile he's in good hands.
That grocer's apostrophe is arghghgh. Our local library had it on a big notice on the front door. I made them fix it. But in the magazine section they had a "Do not "mark" or "write" in this periodical" label stuck on every cover. I scratched the offending bits off with my fingernail. When the librarian asked I explained that the library is about literacy, and I was helping. The new labels dropped the " yay! Sign me: Punctuation Police Officer

Kathy G said...

Misused punctuation is the biggest pet peeve I have.

Marie Smith said...

Friday is great news! Yay!

Ann said...

That was a lucky break realizing your phone was in the bag with your husband.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Friday is not too bad in terms of the op being pushed back. Glad you got your phone back before going home!

Anvilcloud said...

I would have thought everyone over your way would be precise with English, or is it the Welsh roots? We colonials can sometimes be excused but I don't know about you guys. 😁