I woke in the middle of the night with the first hint of a sore throat. I spent the rest of the night awake worrying that if I have a cold I won't be able to visit Husband even when lockdown is lifted.
As it happened I had to be up and dressed early to go to the dentist. I went in, the dentist said, "Hello, how are you?" I mentioned I had the beginnings of a cold and she said, "I can't look at your teeth then. Rebook an appointment."
I only mentioned it for fear that, if she stuck things in my mouth, I would gag. Still, stopped at an artisan bakery on the way home to buy focaccia for lunch so it wasn't an entirely wasted trip.
It was pouring when I woke up but by the time I got back from the dentist it was sunny so Louie and I took a walk on the beach. What felt like a warm gentle intermittent breeze on my back turned into a cold strong persistent wind in my face when we walked back.
But there was a warmth in the air carrying the promise of spring.
Husband tells me it looks hopeful that lockdown will be lifted tomorrow and that it's all systems go for his op on Friday, provisionally of course. I shall be furious if I'm too germ-ridden to see him beforehand. I have been totally well for so long! But we can't risk any chance of infection.
We just watched an old Agatha Christie. It was awfully outdated and very corny, so it was rather fun. We wouldn’t want a steady diet of that, however.
I hope that cold gets nipped in the bud so you can visit Husband.
Colds are never fun, but sometimes they're a real party pooper! Steam your sinuses or use a Neti pot to nip that thing in the bud!
I hope you stay well, and definitely that the surgery finally happens. It's been so long.
I pray the cold is minor and you will be able to see hubby before surgery!
Boo for sore throat and norovirus!
Shaolin Soccer is a fave movie of mine that probably fits the bad/good category
Hope your feeling better and that cold doesn't get worse.
I hope your hubby's operation is very successful and that you are well today.
Maybe it's hay fever! Hope all goes well for tomorrow.
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