Saturday, February 01, 2025

The good, the bad, and the hot

Grim start to this year's Six Nations' Championship (Pencampwriaeth Chwe Gwlad) for Wales. Up against an on-form France in Paris.

It was a late kick-off (8.15 pm) so Husband and I gave up and went to bed at half-time when the score was 28-0. Final score turned out to be 42-0.

But Wales' fans can't be kept down. One valleys' boy was heard to say, "We're still unbeaten at home - and we can still win the Triple Crown!" (Triple crown involves beating the home nations, which as that includes Ireland is equally as unlikely.)

Anyway, today is the Big Day: Curry and Quiz Night. 

Always a risk making a curry you've not made before and I am not happy with my chicken saag. The recipe had lots of stars from reviewers so maybe it was my maths that was at fault. As I was making for twenty I had to multiply all the ingredients by five, which might sound straightforward but when the recipe is in pounds and you have kilograms of meat and spinach, and cups have to be amended to fl oz or grams, you can understand why, even though I triple-checked my sums I could have got it wrong. I also had the biggest onions in the world.

I've had to use most of the dishes in the house to make my lamb roghan josh but at least that uses a shop-bought curry paste and I've made it lots of times so I am more confident.

I tried a new recipe for us the other night too. Spicy salmon with sticky rice. It used gochujang paste that I'd never heard of before. It's quite hot! I had to walk around with my mouth open for a while. The meal was very tasty though - and felt healthy.

And we have our first daffodil in the garden!

Blurry photo I know.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have fun at curry and quiz night!

Boud said...

The daffodil is so welcome, thank you. And the curry sounds exactly like something I'd like. Yes,that's a spicy addition.

jabblog said...

Commiserations on the rugby. Every year I hope it's going to be Italy's year - they're getting closer!

Ann said...

Curry and quiz night sounds like fun.
Yeah for the first daffodil. We're a ways off for that here.

Marie Smith said...

Can you send some of that weather here please? Believe me, the daffodils aren’t blooming here.

Kathy G said...

I find converting between kilograms/pounds and cups/ounces very confusing also.

Cop Car said...

I am told by cooks/chefs that I trust that increasing or decreasing a recipe is not always straightforward. Adjustments must be made to assure a successful outcome. Your math was undoubtedly right on.

Anonymous said...

My brain knows that I should have written, "whom I trust"...but my fingers did not get the message. Adjustments must be made - lol.

Ole phat Stu said...

Suggestion ; buy a recipe book from Europe. English edition. That way ALL measures are metric. No conversions needed.

Liz Hinds said...

We did!

Liz Hinds said...

You're welcome, Boud!

Liz Hinds said...

Because of our Italian connection I support Italy too and cheer them on but sadly last year they went and beat Wales.

Liz Hinds said...

We don't usually get any in our garden, Ann, until March.

Liz Hinds said...

I have no idea what the weather's doing these years, Marie. It's all over the place.

Liz Hinds said...

Tell me about it!

Liz Hinds said...

Good idea!