Friday, February 28, 2025

Quick update

So it's happening this afternoon. I'm almost scared to say that in case there's a last minute hiccup.

And I have the worst cough/cold I've had for years.

I'll update more later.


Boud said...

I hope all goes well. For both of you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Best wishes for Husband's successful surgery and a speedy recovery for you both!

Abby said...

Hoping for the best for you both!

Anvilcloud said...

Good news and bad news.

Kathy G said...

Fingers and toes crossed that you both are on the road to recovery soon.

jabblog said...

Fingers crossed!

Tracy said...

I hope everything goes well.

Marie Smith said...

Hope all has gone well with the surgery and the healing has begun. Take care, Liz!

Beacee said...

Love and prayers for you both x

Ann said...

Sending lots of prayers that all goes well and a few special thoughts that your cold clears soon

PipeTobacco said...

I am very hopeful the outcome will be wonderful and the recovery swift!!!!!
