Saturday, February 08, 2025

Karma camellia

I've been tidying the top shelf in my wardrobe and it's as if I have a whole new set of clothes!

I'd forgotten about most of the jumpers pushed away to the back, and found other things I thought I'd lost. I've sorted out two bags for the charity shop and my top shelf is still full but at least I know what's there now. Not that I'll remember for long.

GrandDaughter3's sixth birthday today. My baby in Italy, currently enjoying a windy break at the coast. Then it's Daughter's birthday tomorrow and she and most of her family are poorly, so partying is postponed until next week when it will be a joint celebration with GrandSon2, who'll become a teenager.

Meanwhile . . .

Our first camellia of the year

Amaryllis now with four blooms

Latest jigsaw.

This afternoon Wales takes on Italy in a must-win match. We've not won a game for what seems like years* and Italy, usually the weakest team in the competition, beat us last year. There is a sense of dread hanging over the country.

That game is followed by England's meeting with France, another tough one, England having lost to Ireland last week. Really hoping there will be two happy little rugby supporters here by dinner-time but not overly expectant!

* * * * *
I don't remember if I told you - but I think I did - I placed my first order with Ocado the other week and I ended up with too much of the wrong thing. They paid the refund quickly but I still have the goods so I tried to contact them this morning to arrange pick-up. Unless you have a routine question to which the answer is already supplied it is very difficult to work out how to contact people. It's almost as if they don't want you to . . .

* In actual fact 491 days.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Is that jigsaw supposed to be some kind of map?

Liz Hinds said...

No, more a representation of various cities.

jabblog said...

Your camellia is gorgeous and early - ours are not showing any sign of life at present.
Rugby! Husband reached the point a few years ago of not watching if he knew England was not going to win - that is, if he already knew the result. It's the same with cricket. I just enjoy the commentary.

Anvilcloud said...

I have occasionally been surprised by finding clothes that I had.

Chris said...

I can't watch Wales its too painful!

Ann said...

That puzzle looks like a hard one.

Marie Smith said...

Happy birthday to your little sweetie!