Monday, February 10, 2025

In the words of

All I'm going to say about the rugby is that it wasn't just a loss; it was dreadful. 

So yesterday morning GrandSon3 who plays football for Llanelli Academy Under 11s was playing for the Under 12s against the Swans Academy elite team.

I went along to watch and in the words of my friend, it was "blimin' nobbling." That aside Llanelli lost but not too badly.

Then in the afternoon because everyone else was occupied GrandSon1 came around to us and he and I went for a walk over the golf course and down into Three Cliffs valley. The trouble with going down, of course, is that you have to go back up after.

So I had a week's share of fresh air in one day.

We dropped Daughter's presents off to her and sang happy birthday but kept our distance. Not much fun being ill on your birthday.

About to set off for an appointment with the audiologist. I didn't really want an appointment when I called in to the hospital. I believed there was a drop-in for hearing aid queries but there wasn't so they put me on the list. I suppose I could have cancelled it but I can get them to explain everything to me again. What the beeps mean etc. And I'll try and pay attention this time.

I'm currently reading my second book by Elif Shafak. The first introduced me to whirling dervishes; this one is about the Yazidi people. Excellent books.

P.S. My hearing aid wasn't working properly! It wasn't just my imagination or ineptitude.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad you found out that the issue was your hearing aids, not you!

Boud said...

About sports scores, the less said the better, probably the Superbowl losers feel that way too.
I'm glad the hearing aids have been diagnosed. Not much use if they're not working.

jabblog said...

We were astonished that England beat France - just! Wales is in the doldrums, but their turn will come again - these things are cyclical.
Hope your daughter is feeling better - belated birthday wishes to her.

PipeTobacco said...

Is your hearing aid one of those fancy types that you can also use as headphones and have all manner of things “BlueToothed” to them from your phone?

More and more folks around here have those.


Marie Smith said...

It sounds like a great days with your grandsons. Always fun!

Liz Hinds said...

I was delighted!

Liz Hinds said...

I also have to wear them more often she said, to get myself used to them.

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, I remember the good and the bad days of Welsh rugby. Well done, England!

Liz Hinds said...

No, it's a boring one - thank goodness!

Liz Hinds said...

It was lovely!

Boud said...

My audio insisted I wear them every day, morning till night because the brain needs to reconnect the lost "circuits". That way you get very good at hearing with them. So there's that.

Ann said...

It's always good to have a real person explain things to you and be able to ask questions if you need to.