Friday, January 17, 2025

Two shillings' worth please

I had cause to go to Davies the Baker yesterday and when I was there I spotted some custard tarts.

When I was a little girl my grandmother would send me, maybe once every week or two, up the lane to Davies the Baker's shop. The shop was on a little side road of terraced houses. The bakery was behind the house and the front room served as the shop. I had to ask for two shillings' worth of cakes and I could choose them.

My favourite was an iced bun but I always put a custard tart in with the mix of five or six cakes. Seeing them in the shop yesterday I had to buy a couple to take home and have with a cup of tea.

Today Davies the Baker's has a large shop and cafe on the main road in Mumbles as well as at least one other branch in Swansea. I wonder if they still use the same bakery.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've been hankering for egg custard tarts lately. I buy mine at the Hong Kong Bakery in Edmonton's Chinatown. So yummy!

Kathy G said...

What a nice memory!

Anvilcloud said...

You'll have to offer them just a wee bit more than two shillings.

Ann said...

How nice to have a place like that still around. All the favorite stores I remember from when I was growing up are gone.

jabblog said...

What a pretty plate.