Friday, January 17, 2025

Failure to load correctly

In the car on my way to meet Vivien at Verdi's for brunch (hazelnut sundae as usual since you ask) I switched on the radio just as the morning service was starting. They began to sing the old hymn, What a friend we have in Jesus, except it was the wrong tune. 

It took me a moment to work out what was wrong and then I realised they were singing it to the music of Calon Lan, an old Welsh hymn. It was very disorientating.

* * * * *

Our walk this afternoon took us along Swansea bay.

Then back to the library for Husband to do genealogy and me to do some Thessalonians research using real books! When I'd got as much out of the commentary as I could, I tried reading a Welsh magazine aimed at learners. 

While I could understand words here and there I floundered when it came to putting them together into sentences. However I did read most of this story - even though I didn't really understand what it was about. 


Ann said...

Beautiful pictures from your walk

Marie Smith said...

Love that photo of the trees and the long shadows! Have a great weekend.

jabblog said...

The sun at this time of year, when it appears, does produce some lovely shadows.