Friday, January 10, 2025

Toads and Bono

Ladies and gentlemen, toad in the hole!

And my Dublin jigsaw. Interesting chats with myself. "This must be a piece of ape. No, wait, it's Molly Malone. Now is this a paw? No, it's Bono's ear."

I've just realised this is a photo of the box but I have completed it, honestly.

* * * * *

In Zac's today it was non-stop and we ran out of food! We had to resort to giving the latecomers pot noodles and cake. 

After two very good days I've not done much today. We just finished watching Elvis on Netflix. I've always loved Elvis and hadn't realised the extent of mismanagement and greed, and the whole tragedy of his life.


Anvilcloud said...

I remember that movie and could hardly believe that it was Tom Hanks playing the manager role.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, the Colonel ripped Elvis off something terrible (as did everyone around him, including family) but Elvis was too naive and then too drug-addled to have his own self-interests in mind.

Kathy G said...

Cooking for drop-ins is challenging. Make too much and it will go to waste. Make less and there's not enough for everyone.

Liz Hinds said...

It took us a while to be convinced it was him!

Liz Hinds said...

The drugs were also the colonel's fault. And Elvis' own father.

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, it's difficult.

jabblog said...

I hope everyone appreciated your toad in the hole!

Ann said...

The toad in the hole looks tasty.
I think it's sad the stories about how some famous people have lived their lives. Being rich and famous doesn't alway equal happiness

Marie Smith said...

Good job on the toad in the whole by the look of it! I’ve never had it. I will add it to my recipes to try this winter!