Saturday, January 11, 2025


I am very tired, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Normally I'd work through it but as we're still hoping that Husband will have his op in late January/early February, and things can only get harder then, temporarily at least, I decided to book myself a week off.

I'd like to say, "In a spa hotel," but that's not going to happen. What is happening is that I'm not going to do my volunteering on Wednesday and Friday, and we're going to eat ready meals or the equivalent all week. (It's the thought of planning food as much as anything that grinds me down!)

I messaged Stu in Zac's early this morning to ask/tell him I wouldn't be in, before I could chicken out and guilt got the better of me.

* * * * *

This afternoon we walked with GrandSon1 and Toby and had great fun breaking ice. I would show you a photo if the connection between my new phone and my pc would work. What do you use most, phones or pcs? 

I use my pc for just about everything so need a good method to get photos from phone to pc. I currently use Phonelink - or would if it would work - but that doesn't share videos either.

Incidentally GrandSon1 is learning Japanese on Duolingo. He will probably be fluent in Japanese before I am in Welsh.

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