Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Putting my back out and my mind at rest

Back to exercise this morning but in a new class. Although most of the participants are my age or older it's not specifically aimed at us. It's just a class you take at your own pace and do what you can. Obviously, for me, that means pushing myself. Probably a bit too much for my first exercise since November. I suspect I will ache tomorrow/day after.

This afternoon I've just come back from the doctor's. I've had a funny little lump just underneath my breast for a few weeks. In my rational moments I guess it's a fatty cyst; in the middle of the night I am dead and buried by Easter. 

It's a fatty cyst. But excellent fast service from the surgery and the doctor. And a reassurance that they are happy for us to take our concerns to them. I can sleep well tonight.

And one of my Christmas presents is looking good.


Boud said...

What a huge relief! Exhaling along with you.

Anvilcloud said...

Yes, do take it easy and be well.

Kathy G said...

Glad to hear that everything is okay. Those middle of the night thoughts are the worst.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So glad it was just a fatty cyst!

jabblog said...

What a relief. Now you have room to worry about other things.😁
Lovely amaryllis!