Thursday, January 16, 2025

A mixed day

Church writing group second meeting. Eight of us there. Went well, room v. hot. Meeting afterwards about the quiz and curry night I'm helping to organise. Realise it's not as simple as I thought.

Elder Son brought us our dinner: not-Nigerian chicken and rice. Delicious

Trouble with having a 'holiday' is that it's even harder to remember what you do all day. Janet brought her daughter round in the evening to witness our will and Power of Attorneys signings. Financial already done, this one was health. Incredibly complicated and lots of paper print-out.

Early morning (9.30 am) walk with daughter and Louie and Toby. The low mist that had settled overnight lifted as I arrived at Daughter's and our walk was beautifully sunny. Amazing breakers, terrible photos of the sea.

I was trying out the macro setting on my new phone camera. This was taken on normal setting.

While this was taken on macro.
I am either too close, too far away, or too wobbly.

Today has been a mixed day in that I stopped myself saying something that I'm not sure I should, but I also said something in the wrong place. So my 'Think Before You Speak/Write' policy is not working 100% today. 

That said, I am quite proud of myself for deleting the email I planned to send - and that was after I'd modified and softened it several times.

GrandSon3's eleventh birthday today. To celebrate he's going football training as usual. He is football crazy and very determined. We are popping around to see him briefly in between school and off.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Fancy photography is a mystery to me. All I can manage is "point and click."

jabblog said...

Happy birthday to the eleven-year-old. Most of the boys I know between the ages of eight and eighteen are set on becoming professional footballers. The clubs are full of aspiring stars!

Kathy G said...

I have a new phone with multiple camera options, but haven't bothered to play with it yet.

Ann said...

Cool shot of the spider web

Polly said...

Great photos, especially the water drops