Saturday, December 14, 2024

You can tell I'm having a cleaning day

. . . by the number of blog posts I'll write. The rest of the time I'm too busy.

So, beginning my tidy-up I find the string and pegs I use for displaying Christmas cards. I'd been looking for them the previous day and given up hope. So, first distraction, I had to go and hang up my cards. 

But before I could do that I had to untangle the string.

I do so patiently for a while then get fed up and pull it so it tightens. I have to take a deep breath and try again. I am about three-quarters of the way through it when it occurs to me it would have been simpler to remove the pegs and find a new piece of string. Ah, too late now, I'm committed.

I finish with four ends, which makes slightly more sense than the three I had at one point. 

I'm hoping we'll get a few more cards to fill some of the gaps but lots of people are not sending these days. 

Then back to cleaning and an unexpected reward: 

It fell out when I moved something. No idea when I hid it but it's still in date so one happy woman.

Making me less happy are these two pieces from a jigsaw. 
I gave the jigsaw to a charity shop and later found these. Next time I visited the shop the jigsaw had gone so I wasn't able to replace the pieces. Knowing how disappointed I am when there are pieces missing I feel really bad about it.


Boud said...

You seriously expect us to believe you wouldn't eat it if it was a bit past the best by date??? Come ON!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Universe rewarded you for cleanng this morning -- enjoy the chocolate!

Anvilcloud said...

I will have to do some sort of card, but it will only be be sent electronically. I have given up on the other type. Besides, we have a postal strike this year.

Abby said...

In my experience, it's better to go than to not. Flowers in December!
Sorry about the poxed grandkids. Is there not a varicella vaccine there?

Ann said...

I wouldn't worry too much. I think most people who buy secondhand don't expect all the pieces to be there unless it's unopened.

jabblog said...

We found some jigsaw pieces the other day, too, while sorting out the dining room. No idea where the rest of the jigsaw is.

Liz Hinds said...

I could try to tell you that, Boud.

Liz Hinds said...

I like to think so.

Liz Hinds said...

Good choice.

Liz Hinds said...

Apparently they have recently introduced a vaccine here too.

Liz Hinds said...

I do!

Liz Hinds said...
