Saturday, December 14, 2024

Taking a well-earned break

Have been dynamic for at least twenty minutes this morning so deserve this sit down and a cup of tea.

That's not to say I'm relaxing of course! I'm ordering presents, searching for rucksacks, and thinking, which in itself takes a lot out of me.

Yesterday I did my bi-annual sort out of the cupboard under the stairs. I pulled out all the shoes and asked Husband to sort out which ones he still wore (all of them - he's got more shoes than me). He looked at the shoes and then looked at the shoe rack and said, "I need to hook that to the wall. I'll do it tomorrow so I'll leave the shoes out for now."

Fair enough, this morning he got out his tools and . . . discovered he didn't have the bits he needed.

Mustn't grumble. The intention is there. And he has put them into a tidy pile now rather than spread over the floor as I left them.

* * * * *
I wonder how much nail clipping the lab needs to test it. My affected nail is growing very slowly, still not long enough to cut more than a sliver off. The nail next to it, however, has not only grown more but it's also split so will need to be trimmed. I don't suppose that will help much.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's always good to have a project.

Anvilcloud said...

I imagine Sue has more shoes still, but I do tend to hang on to mine although I typically only one pair frequently. Then they get repurposed -- shoes for the back garden, shoes for the front garden, shoes to slip on to just put out the garbage on winter days etc.

Liz Hinds said...

Just like Husband!