Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Where angels fear to tread

Checking the mince as I was cooking in Zac's this morning I was a little concerned to see flames swishing up the side of the pan. My first thought was: is it me? Am I on fire?

I wasn't. It was the opposite side of the pan. I blew at it to try and put it out, which made it flare a bit, but then it burned itself out.

I'm sure I must have something more exciting - yes, even more exciting than a fire - to write about. No, can't think of anything.

I was rounding on myself this morning for some things I'd said that could have been phrased better and before I went down the ugly 'you're useless' path  I thought I'd try to think of things I'm good at instead.

Pro: I am enthusiastic. Con: I leap in without due consideration.

Pro: I have commitment and loyalty.

Pro: I can be proactive. Con: I leap in without due consideration.

Husband always tells me I have a good brain but that I just don't use it. I think he's right. I need to think more. Especially before I act. I'm - what's the word? Not impressive or impromptu. Impulsive, that's it.

The weather yesterday morning wasn't as bad as it looks. Apart from a tiny shower we didn't get wet on our walk. The tide was high and the waves quite ferocious.


Boud said...

I notice my mental you know, book full of words, agglomeration, collection, kaleidoscope, no, not that, ahhh huh thesaurus, works overtime these days when I'm trying to say a simple sentence thing.

Liz Hinds said...

I'm glad it's not just me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I find myself giving the online thesaurus a real workout some days.

jabblog said...

It's either to do with age or - my preferred explanation - leading such a busy life that words sometimes escape.

Ann said...

I not so much impulsive but I do tend to say things that I shouldn't

Ole phat Stu said...

Trump? Not so much a Pro as a Con.