Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The best laid plans

Operation Mincemeat

Way back in May I booked tickets to go and see a highly recommended show in London. I even booked a hotel too. I am rarely this organised. The theatre date is 13th November.

Have you spotted the problem? Yes, with luck Husband will be midst appointments, or shielding, or in Intensive Care - that's routine following big heart ops, although when I was told he would be there it terrified me. But as Husband said, "It's the best place; you get your own nurse watching you."

I was hanging on in case - I'm not sure what the case was. I'm guessing Husband wouldn't want to go to a crowded theatre just before shielding anyway. So now I'm trying to exchange the tickets. The show runs until early March so I'm hoping we can swap for tickets towards that date to give Husband plenty of time to recuperate.

I had better cancel the hotel too before I forget - done. That was simpler.


jabblog said...

It will be something to look forward to after Christmas. By then, your husband should be feeling more like himself.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope you can swap for March.

Marie Smith said...

How lovely it will be to attend the show when all the medical procedures are behind you!

Kathy G said...

It's so frustrating to make plans and have life get in the way.

Boud said...

Intensive care is the safest place in the hospital, plenty of care and observation. Btdt. Don't be alarmed if he talks about things that can't be true, common side effect of surgery, aftercare etc.
I hope you can swap the tickets.

Ann said...

That's the problem with making plans. There's always something that comes along and then you have to change things.

Anvilcloud said...

Daughter and grand just returned from a big show in Toronto.