Friday, October 25, 2024

Sunshine makes everything better

After a morning that I seemed to spend up to my elbows in washing-up (after dishing up) I needed some fresh air this afternoon so dragged Husband for a short slow walk along the beach. It was a beautiful afternoon, sunny and breezy, and it was so lovely to be able to breathe fresh sea air.

I also off-loaded onto Husband my frustration again. I was in a zoom meeting yesterday and when an opportunity arose I decided to say how I'd felt bullied by the emails of the week before last. Of course the person responsible looked bemused and then chuckled and said, "Well, I get passionate about these things," and the wrong person recognised my discomfort and apologised.

Mutter, mutter. Done now and I will forget it. But it has changed my opinion of him.

* * * * *
I have done some Christmas shopping but nowhere like as much as I'd done by this time last year. I still have a few days until the end of October so I shall try and find out what grandchildren want, and buy random presents for the adults.

And then it occurred to me that I could do MyNoWriMo in November. Not NaNoWriMo, which has the aim of writing 50,000 words during the month, but my own version where I try to write a bit every day. It's possible - probable I hope - that we'll be shielding for ten days in November prior to Husband's operation so it might be a possibility. 


Abby said...

Nice scenery on your short slow walk!

Kathy G said...

I think if you're going to do a writing challenge it can be whatever you want it to be.

Marie Smith said...

I did some Christmas shopping today! It’s a start…not enough done beforehand to really matter,