Saturday, October 12, 2024

Jib jab

I arrived at the doctor's surgery at 8.40 this morning to find a queue of people halfway around the car park. Yes, we were all there for our covid and flu jabs. Reasonably quick all the same, and not as painful. The covid one was fine but the flu one made me squeak a little.

Husband was advised by the heart consultant not to have his jabs yet so it was just me. He has, however, had an appointment for an angiogram pre-assessment. Not for the angiogram itself, you understand. You wouldn't think he'd need a pre-assessment when he's been referred by a heart consultant but there you go. It seems the hospital they use for pre-planned angiograms is in a different health authority so maybe that's why. Its roof is also falling in, not that that is directly related. 

So I'm up and awake early this morning. I've used the time to compose a reply to the email that annoyed me so much. I think I've made my point in a reasonable tone of voice, while also expressing my hurt. I got Husband to check it before I sent it though. He only suggested I remove one line - "It seemed patronising" - because he said I'd already made my feelings clear in what I'd written. "It comes over as aggressive," he said. Yes, I want it to be! The anger is still not completely under control! I did remove it.

So now to sit back and wait for the replies. 

Though there won't be much sitting back today as I have GrandDaughter2 coming over to allow Daughter to work as Son-in-law is in Austria at a conference, lucky man. (Being in Austria rather than being at a conference.)


Marie Smith said...

We get the jabs later this month. Hope the letter accomplishes what you hope!

jabblog said...

Grandparents fulfil a very useful role. Enjoy your day with your granddaughter.

Boud said...

The current covid shot can make you very tired for a day or two, so try not to plan too much activity, if that's possible in your life.

Ole phat Stu said...

Just had my 2 jabs. Covid jab is free. Flu jab costs 54 € here in Germany.

Liz Hinds said...

Me too, Marie.

Liz Hinds said...

I did, thanks, Janice

Liz Hinds said...

Both arms have started to ache so far, Boud.

Liz Hinds said...

Both free here.

Chris said...

We just had flu and slept the next day in the afternoon.. I'm praying at the moment for God to show me a less angry view of a situation , but He's letting me make up my own mind so I might stab someone..with words!!

Anvilcloud said...

It is good to get a second opinion on the email.

Ann said...

Some of these doctor appointments seem senseless. I have a friend at work who was scheduled for an appointment so that they could set up an appointment for a consultation. Seems like a tricky way to bill the insurance companies for more office visits.