Monday, October 14, 2024

Getting your just reward

"I have to go to Blackpill to post a parcel."
Husband, "Are you walking there?"

The post office is literally ten minutes' walk away and I hadn't even considered it. I'm so used to jumping in the car to go anywhere although, to be fair, most places are quite a bit further away.

So I walked.

My reward?

The shop was closed for a week.

It's okay; you can laugh. I did.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Life is like that, isn't it!

Ole phat Stu said...

Champing probably comes from the french : champ. Meaning (battle')field. I.e. dying (sic) to charge into a cavalry battle.

Ole phat Stu said...

Sorry that was meant to be a comment on your Sore Arms post.

jabblog said...

Oh, dear! Better luck next time.

Boud said...

Oh well. A good walk anyway..

Anvilcloud said...

How annoying for a 'post office' to be closed. I don't think Canada Post would permit that sort of thing, but otoh I guess we don't have post offices in little shops.