Tuesday, September 24, 2024

What passes for a day out

When it came to it I couldn't bring myself to do a jigsaw I'd done previously. Illogical but true. So I plucked up my courage and got this one out.

I've been putting off doing it for ages, years even. I'm going to have to use my upstairs glasses i.e. reading, as opposed to my computer/television/driving glasses. I could be some time.

Thank you for your concern yesterday. Now it's briefly back to website design followed by a walk with Daughter and dogs.

Then a trip to the Cash & Carry as Stu, who usually does the shopping for Zac's, is on holiday this week. Husband's coming with me; it's going to be our little outing!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have fun with that puzzle -- I can see why you've been putting it off for years!

Boud said...

Might be Last Days with the Liztecs! That's one I think I'd pass on.