Monday, September 23, 2024

And what's more

I'm trying to get to grips with Microsoft 365, and the latest update of my computer has left the screen looking different but I can't work out how.

Also I'm struggling to comment on peoples' blogs. The internet doesn't like me today.

I think I'll go and start a new jigsaw. Well, an old one but I did it so long it won't count. I suppose there's no reason why you can't do jigsaws more than once. It's not like a book or film where you know the ending. Then again you do know the ending but it's the getting there that's the pleasure.

I enjoyed The Fellowship of Master Puzzlers. It was different and good fun. I put my name on the waiting list at the library for the new Richard Osman. I'm number 114 on the list.

And I need to train myself to type t and h in the right order as the number of times I have to go back and change them is crazy. You see,then, when I was thinking about it, I typed them properly each time. 

1 comment:

jabblog said...

I cant' type 'the' properly, either, unless I concentrate. There are others, too . . .